Thursday, March 12, 2020

#75HARD Day 1 (again)

Folks, it's not a typo. According to the rules if you mess up you start over. So right now I'm back to Day 1. On day two I didn't blog. Oh I had a cheat meal(not vegan), didn't drink my gal of water, didn't read 10 pages and didn't do 45 min of indoor activity. I did, however, get caught up on some filing, laundry and went on a 30+ mile bike ride. It was a good day. Now back to Day 1 again.

Day 2


 Back To Day 2

I'm about to listen to a #75HARD REAL AF  podcast:  REAL Talk: Don't Accept Yourself, It's A Trap!

Ok, I'm back at it. Have a great day. Where's my water bottle?  Peace

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