Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Protect Your Skin In The Summer

Article from

Sun Exposure and Your Skin

I don’t know about you, but in the summertime, I spend a lot of time outside in the sun. And it turns out that some sun is actually essential because your skin needs direct sunlight to produce vitamin D. Many health experts now recommend 10-30 minutes of direct sunlight — without sunblock or protective clothing — every day before you cover up.
But getting too much sun exposure can be a serious problem, triggering premature aging and even skin cancer. In fact, skin cancer is now the most common type of human cancer worldwide. The World Health Organization reports that one out of every three cancer diagnoses is skin cancer.
There’s no doubt about it: Getting burned can be seriously hazardous to your health. But it turns out that your diet and lifestyle can have a significant impact on the health of your skin, and on how your body responds to sunlight and other possible stressors.

How Food Can Protect Your Skin

Fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants
Certain foods can act as a natural sunscreen. And they can help your body protect itself from the skin damage that can lead to skin cancer. They can also protect your skin from other damaging effects of too much sun so that you can get the vitamin D and other health benefits you need, with a lower risk of harm.
How does this work? Eating foods high in antioxidants — compounds found in plant foods that help protect your body from free radical damage — does more than lower your risk for things like heart disease and diabetes. Antioxidants are photoprotective of your skin (a fancy way of saying that they protect your skin from light); they prevent oxidative damage from the sun, and they reduce inflammation of your skin cells.
A 2001 study found that antioxidants — especially vitamin C — play a significant role in acting as a natural sunscreen and protecting your skin from sun damage. When applied in amounts that accumulated on the skin, vitamin C actually destroyed any free radicals that it came into contact with. What does this mean for us? Perhaps adding antioxidants into sunscreens is a good idea, but we should also eat them in abundance — and on a daily basis.
For some of the top antioxidant-rich foods, click here.

10 Foods For Sun Protection

natural sun protection
Here are ten of the best foods for sun protection.
1) Grapes and Grape Seed: Sixty to seventy percent of the polyphenols in grapes are in their seeds. Grapes contain a unique type of polyphenol called procyanidin, which may have cancer-preventing properties. Studies have shown the ability of grape seed proanthocyanidins to attack melanoma cells, and lab studies have shown their effectiveness in targeting oral squamous cell carcinoma. Research suggests that grapes and grape seed extracts could offer sun protection by reducing the effects of UV rays on skin.
2) Garlic and Onions: Garlic and onions are part of the Allium family of vegetables. Their oils have been shown to slow skin cancer and reduce tumors in mice. The beneficial effect of alliums on skin cancer and other diseases is largely attributed to their organosulfur compounds.
3) Pomegranate: Research shows promise for the use of pomegranate extract, oil, and juice to prevent UVB-induced skin cancer. Even when mice were fed water containing pomegranate fruit extract, they experienced a reduced risk for UVB-induced skin cancer as well as lessened tumor growth. For more on the use of pomegranate to fight cancer, click here.
4) Green Tea: One major polyphenol in tea is EGCG, which has been shown to protect skin against UV radiation effects. A 2007 population study found that drinking one cup (or more) of tea per day for at least one month reduced risk for basal cell carcinoma. This has also been shown in animal studies when mice were fed green tea. Green tea may have the ability to boost DNA repair, preventing non-melanoma skin cancers. Matcha green tea is especially potent.
5) Soy BeansSoy foods are rich in compounds called isoflavones, which bind to estrogen receptors in your skin and may reduce wrinkles. They also improve skin elasticity, increase collagen synthesis, and have an overall skin protective effect. However, when consuming soy and soy products, choose organic soy to avoid harmful GMOs.
6) Mushrooms: The Chaga mushroom has been studied for its ability to suppress tumor growth in mice, and its extract has been shown to cause melanoma cell death in mice. Some research suggests that Chaga mushroom extract has promising potential in cancer treatment. Find out more about the health benefits of mushrooms here.
7) Turmeric: One of the oldest Ayurvedic spices, turmeric has many health benefits. Its main active ingredient is curcumin, which has been widely studied for cancer prevention. Turmeric and curcumin have been shown to significantly reduce cancerous skin lesions and inhibit cancer cell signaling. One study showed that topical and oral curcumin were equally effective at slowing skin cancer tumor growth in mice. Find out about 600 reasons why turmeric could be the world’s most important herb, here.
8) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: A high intake of green leafy vegetables — such as kale, spinach, collard greens, and swiss chard — may reduce skin cancer risk. Research suggests this protective effect has to do with their lutein and beta carotene content. A 2007 study also found that a diet high in fruits and vegetables, like dark leafy greens, reduced risk of squamous cell carcinoma — whereas a diet high in fat and meat increased risk.
9) GingerGinger is effective at slowing tumor growth and killing skin cancer cells, while fresh ginger juice has been shown to treat skin burns and lesions in lab, animal, and epidemiological studies. And gingerol, a chemical compound found in fresh ginger, has been shown to block the growth of skin cancer cells.
10) Milk Thistle Seed: Milk thistle compounds applied to the skin of mice exposed to UVB radiation prevents the development of skin cancer. What’s interesting about this is that protective effects were seen when the milk thistle was applied both before and after UVB exposure. This suggests that it actually blocks cancer pathways and doesn’t just act like sunscreen. Another similar study found that skin tumor growth was slowed when mice were fed silymarin, a phytochemical found in milk thistle.

Recipes For Sun Protection

Check out some of these recipes that use skin protective ingredients:
recipes for sun protection
Photo Courtesy of Minimalist Baker
Carrot Ginger Turmeric Smoothie from Minimalist Baker — A nice blend of ginger, turmeric, and carotenoid-rich carrots, this is a refreshing drink that will cool you off in the summer sun while protecting your skin.
Stuffed Sweet Potatoes from Floating Kitchen — This is a great recipe that combines dark leafy greens with beta-carotene-rich sweet potatoes and beans. You could probably add a bit of turmeric to the spice mix too, for an additional protective effect.
Chaga Mushroom Tea from One Green Planet — A new way to enjoy your evening cup of hot tea, this recipe uses chunks of Chaga mushrooms, and spices like ginger, to add a skin-protecting factor.
Spanish Spinach with Chickpeas from Simple Vegan Blog — With six cups of spinach in this one, mixed with just a few other simple and healthy ingredients, you’re sure to pack in the phytochemicals.
Spiced Pomegranate Rice from Bon Appetit — Sub water or vegetable broth for the chicken broth in this one, and you’ve got a plant-powered, antioxidant-rich meal that blends pomegranate with turmeric for a flavorful rice.

The Right Sunscreen Is Still Important

Mother putting sunscreen on her sun at the beach
Depending on how much sun exposure you get, it may still be a very good idea to wear sunscreen for additional skin protection. But which kind is best?
Many sunscreens contain chemicals like PABA, cinnamates, and oxybenzone. They can react with the sun’s rays to create free radicals and actually increase your risk of skin cancer.
And that’s not all; chemical sunscreens are associated with hormone disruption, meaning they can act like estrogen in your body and increase cancer risk. In addition, some chemicals in sunscreens may go much deeper into your body than your skin.
An alternative to chemical sunscreens is physical sunscreen, which contains natural compounds like zinc oxide and titanium oxide. While chemical sunscreens act to absorb harmful UV rays and prevent them from causing skin damage, physical sunscreens scatter UV rays. This prevents some of the UV rays from getting into your skin at all. They leave you looking a little like you’re covered in white paint because they are a physical barrier. But they do work well without exposing your body to chemicals like PABA, cinnamates, or oxybenzone.
An added reality of zinc oxide is that when you use it, some of the zinc gets absorbed into your body. Zinc is essential for metabolic function and tissue repair. Getting the right amount is important. And zinc oxide-containing sunblock could be a helpful part of the equation. However, we need more to know whether it’s also possible to absorb too much from heavy sunblock usage.

Protect Your Skin Naturally

There are many benefits to spending time outdoors. And it’s important to find a healthy balance between sun exposure and sun protection. For most of us, it’s smart to use barriers or sunscreen during times of intense and prolonged sun exposure. And you can also boost your body’s natural sun protection by eating antioxidant-rich foods year-round.
Resource: Do you want to keep your skin radiant and youthful? Aside from protecting your skin from the sun and eating sun-protective foods, good skin health comes from having a smart skin care routine. Our friends at Annmarie Skin Care have developed a line of all natural, organic, wildcrafted skin care products. And we’ve gotten excellent feedback from many of our members who swear by them.
Right now, the good people at Annmarie Skin Care are offering a sample kit for just $10. In this sample kit you’ll get:
  1. Their pH-balanced Aloe Herb Cleanser, which is infused with marigold, lemon essential oil, aloe vera, and coconut oil. It gently removes environmental toxins, makeup, and excess oil, without drying out your skin or leaving any residue.
  2. And you can also get their Anti-Aging Facial Oil AND their Probiotic Serum with Tremella. Together these give you that extra protection from harsh pollutants and extended sun exposure. And they also boost your complexion’s natural defenses over time with a concentrated blend of skin-reviving probiotics, olive leaf extract, astaxanthin, Tremella mushroom, and restorative herbs.
When you purchase the $10 Sample Kit, you also get a $10 coupon for a future purchase, plus free shipping worldwide. And Annmarie Skin Care will make a contribution in support of Food Revolution Network’s work, too! Find out more, and get your kit here.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hand Sanitizer?

Get the New Product that's sweeping the Nation!
Kills 99.99% of germs up to 3 to 4 hours.




Saturday, May 16, 2020

What to do about inflammation

#75HARD came to a squishing halt. I realized yesterday morning the day before I was short 8oz of water.  That means, in short, you have to start over. At some point in the near future, I may do that.

Inflammation is an important response in the human body. 

It can assist in the healing of damaged tissue during an injury, or to fight a foreign body like an irritant or pathogen.

But when inflammation is not kept in check, experts agree that chronic inflammation is associated with everything from heart disease, allergies, obesity, skin issues, arthritis, and so much more. 

Cleaning up our diets is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation. Food sensitivity tests can be helpful, as well as becoming more attuned to your body after you eat certain foods.

You may be able to notice changes in factors like energy levels, mood, skin clarity, focus, or digestive or bathroom discomfort. 

Working with a qualified healthcare practitioner, preferably one who practices functional or integrative medicine, or a nutritionist, is a great way to have support to determine what foods are best for you. 

Remember, not every food acts the same in everybody. 

This is one of the reasons diet and nutrition can be such highly debated topics. 

But as you continue on the life-long journey of optimizing your diet, here are some foods and herbs to keep in mind that may come in handy if you are actively trying to reduce inflammation. 


: Ginger reduces inflammation as well as “warms” the body. Its ability to increase circulation, paired with its anti-inflammatory properties makes it useful for treating osteoarthritis, and other conditions due to impaired circulation. Ginger also improves digestion by enhancing the secretion of gastric juices and is useful for nausea, gas, and motion sickness.

Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne is both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative, and increases circulation. Cayenne may help in preventing certain types of cancers, hardening of the arteries, reducing histamine response. It's also useful in healing the mucous membranes, specifically those damaged by aspirin. 

Turmeric: Turmeric is widely known as one of the most potent anti-inflammatory herbs in the world and has been used for centuries as a treatment for inflammatory diseases. Turmeric has also been used by some to help prevent Alzheimer's Disease and tumor growth.

Pomegranate: Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols which are not only anti-oxidative but also anti-inflammatory. Pomegranates are useful in breaking down arterial plaque and strengthening the integrity of arteries. Studies show that pomegranate also inhibits the progression of tumor cells by inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels to tumors. 

Sarsaparilla: Sarsaparilla contains steroidal compounds that are anti-inflammatory and can be used as a homeopathic alternative to treating inflamed skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis. It can also be useful in arthritis, gout, and inflammation of connective tissue. Sarsaparilla is used in some countries as a heal-all herb, as it also has the ability to bind to toxins inside the gut and enhance the excretion of metabolic waste. 

Blueberry: Blueberries are high in proanthocyanidins, polyphenols that are potent anti-inflammatory agents. These berries have a strong ability to inhibit inflammatory cytokines which contribute to tissue damage, cellular damage, and even cancer. Blueberries also reduce histamine production and increase circulation to the brain, which makes them useful in treating allergies. Studies have shown that as little as 1/2 cup of blueberries per day can enhance cognitive function, memory, and motor skills.

Elderberry: Elderberry is not only useful for treating colds, influenza, and other viral respiratory disorders, but the anti-inflammatory property of this berry is also useful in reducing histamine production, specifically around the eyes. Elderberry is also rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and antiviral proteins. 

Cat’s Claw: Cat’s Claw has been traditionally used for treating cancers, but due to its potent anti-inflammatory activity, it is also used for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and gastritis. Cat’s Claw also has powerful antiviral properties as well as immune system boosting 

Gotu Kola: Gotu Kola is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is useful for inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The herb is also used to treat autoimmune conditions, strengthening and repairing connective tissue in conditions such as arthritis, and is most highly known for it being a “brain tonic”, as it enhances circulation to the brain and has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease. 

To a healing future, 
The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life

Thursday, May 14, 2020



Ramadan Mubarak!! It's going well.  Pretty much the same routine every day. Reading, water, fasting, exercising twice a day, eating plant-based,  stock classes, 20 min of sun and I'll stop there.

Just a few pics from the past week since I've been MIA.                                                 Covid-19 Poster at the bus stop 

                                                    Borsch-cold soup

Vegan black beans and rice dish                                                    Walking on a moonlit night

Mediterranean Dish                                                                        Night walk just before sunset

You guys have a great week and be safe out there.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

It's A Plant Powered Lifestyle

#75HARD DAY 51 COMPLETED! s's all plant-based.   Good night.


Monday, May 4, 2020

Night Walker

#75HARD DAY 50 COMPLETE!!!! 25 more to go!

Nightwalker was at it again. I think tomorrow I'll go for a bike ride.

A pretty typical day. Reading, stock lectures, health lectures, and music. 

I would say the highlight was walking barefooted in the Sun while walking in the grass for 20 min. I can't tell you last time I walked barefooted. It was great!!! How about you?

A day of gratitude. Ameen


Saturday, May 2, 2020

Financial Literacy


I snap this shot off a lecture the other night.

Food for thought that should spark some action.

Eight in 10 Americans are broke, and 200 million don't have a budget. The world NEEDS access to financial experts. Join our live webinars or a recorded broadcast to learn how you can bring hope to other people in need.  please reply after viewing the info with 3,2 or 1 in the comment section. Thanks in advance.  Peace. 

Let's eat!!! Good night..........

Honor Major Taylor


Today was honor Major Taylor day for me.  I sported a Major Taylor tee shirt today, proudly I might add. For more info about this world champion cyclist please visit:

Who Was Major Taylor?
"Life is too short for a man to hold bitterness in his heart."
Marshall W. "Major" Taylor

American bicycle racer Marshall Walter "Major" Taylor (1878-1932) was the word’s first black sports superstar. He was world cycling champion in 1899, American sprint champion in 1900, and set numerous track cycling records. Nicknamed “Major” in his youth in Indianapolis and later known as “the Worcester Whirlwind” after his adopted hometown in Massachusetts, he was the second African-American world champion in any sport (after Canadian-born bantamweight boxer George Dixon of Boston won his title in 1891). In the Jim Crow era of strict racial segregation, Taylor had to fight prejudice just to get on the starting line. He faced closed doors and open hostility with remarkable dignity. In his retirement he wrote his autobiography, “The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World.”

Worcester Whirlwind flier
(printer-friendly 1-page handout)

  The following newspaper articles by Major Taylor Association board member Lynne Tolman originally appeared in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

This is what I came across on my walk near one of the neighborhood parks.


Friday, May 1, 2020

April Showers Bring May Flowers


A couple of days ago on my walk, I took a few pics of some plants along the way. I hope you enjoy them.


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Autoimmune Diseases


Autoimmune diseases are increasingly common, including lupus, Hashimoto’s, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, and many more.
Today, in the Food Revolution Summit, we’re sharing stories of hope and healing along with practical tools to help prevent and even reverse autoimmune disease.
There are many myths about the benefits of gluten-free, ketogenic, and plant-based diets. Today, my dad, best-selling author, John Robbins, guides our panelists as they get to the bottom of it all and share the connection between food, inflammation, and preventing disease.
We’re halfway through the 2020 Food Revolution Summit now, and there’s still time to join us.
Abdullah, because I treasure your partnership in the food revolution, I want to share some of my top highlights from what we’ve learned so far:
  • Your immune system is enormously bolstered, or weakened, by the foods you eat. That means what you eat has an impact on how your body could respond to COVID-19. In the time of this global pandemic, your health is more important than ever before.
  • The good news is that eating healthy, whole, and plant-based foods can help your immune system get the nutrients it needs to protect you from illness — and not just in the current pandemic — but also from long-term diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 
  • Your brain and heart can also be protected by the food you eat — and choose not to eat. The science of performance is in, and your diet plays an enormous role in how well you sleep (or don’t sleep), think, feel, and perform in every area of your life.
And there’s been so much more.
If you haven’t been attending the Summit – here’s the good news… You can still join us (free) because:
Today’s topic is Autoimmunity: How to Prevent & Reverse Inflammatory Conditions.
Here’s what you can look forward to today:
  • Saray Stancic, MD, The Autoimmunity Breakthrough. (At 11 am Eastern time, 8 am Pacific time) You’ll find out how Dr. Stancic used lifestyle medicine to reverse multiple sclerosis — and discover the astounding power of simple changes to generate lasting results in your life.
  • Brooke Goldner, MD, Goodbye Autoimmune Disease. (At 12 pm Eastern, 9 am Pacific) You’ll be inspired by Dr. Goldner’s extraordinary story, and find out how you can leverage the healing power of food to prevent rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other forms of autoimmune disease. You’ll discover the best foods for autoimmune healing and how diet impacts inflammation.
  • Anthony William (aka the “Medical Medium”), Cleanse to Heal.  (At 1 pm Eastern, 10 am Pacific) You’ll hear what the “Spirit of Compassion” says about illness, suffering, and healing in our world today. And you’ll gain a unique perspective on why your body needs to cleanse and the power of a positive attitude through suffering.
This Summit is all free. It’s the best place to be to invest in your health and the health of your loved ones. These insights could be life-changing. I don’t want you to miss it!
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Maybe you can’t join in now? Or you want to catch up on what you missed? This year is the most important Summit yet because we’ve discussed how you can protect yourself from chronic diseases — and guard your health in the time of COVID-19. You can own the entire 2020 Food Revolution Summit to get the full interviews, including written transcripts and $2,000+ worth of bonuses for the Summit special 50% discount price.


Veggie Soul Food

#75HARD DAY 46!!!


Thanks for visiting, formerly 21st Century Vegetarians. We are the Theus Family and have been completely vegetarian for over 30 years and counting! We have all new VEGAN RECIPES to share with you, including YouTube videos for how to make most of them. Our hope is that you will find vegan living as easy, rewarding, and fun as we do! Please be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and/or subscribe to our blog for recipes, reviews and updates and to get your Meatless Monday tips! 

The Vegan System is now available!

Over 100 Vegan Recipes that we use everyday. Get your copy today.
  • 215 Full Color pages
  • Over 100 Family Friendly Vegan Recipes
  • Meatless Monday 52 Week Meal Planner
  • Vegan Shopping Guide with over 150 products
  • Tips for Vegan Athletes, Children, Teenagers
  • Vegan Transition Tips - shopping, traveling, eating out, and more
  • Vegan Nutrition and Protein Information


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Zinc-The Food Revolution

I just wanted to share some of the information shared by The Food Revolution regarding Zinc. I hope you enjoy and if not already doing so add this information to your nutrition toolbox. Peace

Hi Abdullah, 

An "essential" nutrient means one that your body cannot make on its own. 

Essential nutrients must be obtained through food or supplementation. 

Zinc has gained popularity for its proven ability to not only reduce the duration of a common cold, but to enhance immune function and assist in healing wounds.

Although the mineral is mostly bioavailable in animal products, many plant foods contain relatively high amounts of zinc.

The recommended daily intake of zinc for most adult men is 11mg per day, and 8mg for adult women. 

**This would vary for pregnant or nursing women. Anyone considering supplementation of any kind should consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before making any changes. This is not medical advice. 

Since our bodies require a constant supply of zinc, here is a list of some of the top food sources to get this important nutrient into your diet!

Cashews: Cashews are one of the highest sources of zinc in any plant food. 1 ounce of cashews contains 1.6 mg of zinc. Not only are cashews high in zinc, but it's been demonstrated in studies that cashews are also effective against gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus and can be used to fight infections.

Chickpeas: Regular consumers of chickpeas have also been shown to have higher levels of dietary fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Just 1 cup of chickpeas contains 2.6 mg of zinc. Additionally, research is now suggesting that chickpeas may play a beneficial role in weight management and glucose regulation.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds have a wide range of healthy and healing properties. The seeds are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, support diabetics with controlling blood sugar levels, and even improve sperm quality. 1 ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 2.2 mg of zinc. Pumpkin seeds are not only high in zinc and other phytonutrients, but they're also used to naturally kill parasites. 

Hemp Seeds: One of the most versatile plants in the world brings us a high amount of zinc, amongst other essential nutrients. Just 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds contains 1.98 mg of Zinc and almost as much protein as soybeans. One study showed that compounds in hemp seeds may have neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, effects and may also help to regulate the immune system.

Kidney Beans: Kidney beans have a reputation for naturally lowering cholesterol levels, regulating blood sugar levels, support in weight loss and also prevent cancer. 1/2 cup of cooked kidney beans contains about 1 mg of zinc. Cooking or sprouting kidney beans enhances the bioavailability of zinc. 

Avocado: This creamy, delicious, versatile fruit is not only healthy for the eyes, skin, bones and heart, but also comes is one of the highest in zinc. 1 avocado contains 1.3 mg of zinc, making it one of the highest fruit sources of zinc. Avocados also contain high amounts of folate, a mineral imperative during pregnancy and for preventing depression. 

Blackberries: Blackberries are not only very high in antioxidants, but their astringent qualities make them useful for detoxification. Blackberries are also used as a remedy for diarrhea. Just 1 cup of blackberries contains 0.3 mg of zinc.

Zinc is also a key nutrient for skin health and seems to have helped me when I was dealing with acne as a younger man. I hope this list helps you remember that everything you eat can either contribute to healing, or contribute to disease. 

The only question is which will we choose. 

To a healing future, 
The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life

P.S. If you haven't yet joined, it's only day 3 of the 9-day Food Revolution Summit. So far it's been mind blowing! There is still plenty to catch totally free for the next week. Get the most cutting-edge health answers you need from experts you can trust. It's going on right now