Saturday, April 4, 2020

Can you say flats happen again....

Yep, after having breakfast.....

I put on my uniform and was pulling into the meetup spot and had a flat. I fixed the flat and returned home.  I placed an order for some new tires. I had two holes in the rear tire and I could see daylight through it. LOL  

So I jump on my single speed because I'm determined to get my one hour of therapy my bike.

 One of the many parks is a reflection of these pandemic times. Most areas are blocked off and in restrictions are the norm nowadays.


So after the ride, I made a water run, toilet tissue run [3 stores were out] but 24 Carrot did not disappoint. I showed them some love/support today and order pick. Support a local business.

To cap the night off #75HARD DAY 20 .....complete!!!


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