Thursday, April 9, 2020


I'm getting there!!! Around 10:07pm I finished #75HARD DAY 26!!! BAM!!!

Ok, enough of that. I'm still shooting for 10pm.

Breakfast was a fruit bowl, toast and grits. Most of the day was spent putting the new gator skins on the bike while listening to some classic jass.

Then it was time for a little snack before the test ride. Soul-Fu, potatoes, vegan cheese, hot sauce, and a green tortilla. It was so good, I was going to have one as my post-ride meal.

The ride started by spotting some baby hummingbirds. Off for a couple of hours of endurance riding.

So get back and get my burrito post-ride meal.  One addition, jalapenos. After that, I went to work trying to finish #75HARD Day 26 by 10pm. Came up a little short......BUT....progress is being made.

Time to a good day.


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