Thursday, April 30, 2020

Autoimmune Diseases


Autoimmune diseases are increasingly common, including lupus, Hashimoto’s, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, and many more.
Today, in the Food Revolution Summit, we’re sharing stories of hope and healing along with practical tools to help prevent and even reverse autoimmune disease.
There are many myths about the benefits of gluten-free, ketogenic, and plant-based diets. Today, my dad, best-selling author, John Robbins, guides our panelists as they get to the bottom of it all and share the connection between food, inflammation, and preventing disease.
We’re halfway through the 2020 Food Revolution Summit now, and there’s still time to join us.
Abdullah, because I treasure your partnership in the food revolution, I want to share some of my top highlights from what we’ve learned so far:
  • Your immune system is enormously bolstered, or weakened, by the foods you eat. That means what you eat has an impact on how your body could respond to COVID-19. In the time of this global pandemic, your health is more important than ever before.
  • The good news is that eating healthy, whole, and plant-based foods can help your immune system get the nutrients it needs to protect you from illness — and not just in the current pandemic — but also from long-term diseases like cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. 
  • Your brain and heart can also be protected by the food you eat — and choose not to eat. The science of performance is in, and your diet plays an enormous role in how well you sleep (or don’t sleep), think, feel, and perform in every area of your life.
And there’s been so much more.
If you haven’t been attending the Summit – here’s the good news… You can still join us (free) because:
Today’s topic is Autoimmunity: How to Prevent & Reverse Inflammatory Conditions.
Here’s what you can look forward to today:
  • Saray Stancic, MD, The Autoimmunity Breakthrough. (At 11 am Eastern time, 8 am Pacific time) You’ll find out how Dr. Stancic used lifestyle medicine to reverse multiple sclerosis — and discover the astounding power of simple changes to generate lasting results in your life.
  • Brooke Goldner, MD, Goodbye Autoimmune Disease. (At 12 pm Eastern, 9 am Pacific) You’ll be inspired by Dr. Goldner’s extraordinary story, and find out how you can leverage the healing power of food to prevent rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other forms of autoimmune disease. You’ll discover the best foods for autoimmune healing and how diet impacts inflammation.
  • Anthony William (aka the “Medical Medium”), Cleanse to Heal.  (At 1 pm Eastern, 10 am Pacific) You’ll hear what the “Spirit of Compassion” says about illness, suffering, and healing in our world today. And you’ll gain a unique perspective on why your body needs to cleanse and the power of a positive attitude through suffering.
This Summit is all free. It’s the best place to be to invest in your health and the health of your loved ones. These insights could be life-changing. I don’t want you to miss it!
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Maybe you can’t join in now? Or you want to catch up on what you missed? This year is the most important Summit yet because we’ve discussed how you can protect yourself from chronic diseases — and guard your health in the time of COVID-19. You can own the entire 2020 Food Revolution Summit to get the full interviews, including written transcripts and $2,000+ worth of bonuses for the Summit special 50% discount price.


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