Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Busy, Busy Busy......

Kind of. The day started off with a smoothie and fried potatoes.  I had plans of riding earlier than later. Not happing. I was waiting on a plumber and an order of "soul-fu"[Smoked tofu].

When the dust settled I was able to get a ride in after helping out some fellow TBL Major Taylor Phoenix Riders with a flat.

The first business at hand was to have a soul-fu sandwich before I hit the road. The bike ride/workout turned out great. 

Cruised home had a little snack and the rest of the evening was spent completing #75HARD. The downside, I didn't complete it by 10pm....BUT I did complete it!!! So anyway after helping out with the flat, I walked home. After getting dressed to ride I asked, where is the car. My reply after I laughed was, I walked home. I usually walk to Whole Foods because it's close. After the ride, I go pick up the car and while in line at Whole Foods,  there is another constant reminder of the times we live in. #besafe #sixfeet

Well, signing off for now.


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