Monday, July 1, 2019

Fruit Feast Day 1

Yes it has been a while. It is time to hit the reset button this month. I'll take it one day at a time. This morning I had a couple of bananas and 2 bottles of water for a 20 mile ride. All is well. Ran into Ron today. Epic #GFNYSantaFe completed and put a few things on my mind. Have a great day and enjoy what life has to offer.
George is a great guy and cyclist. Met him in Santa Fe.

Angel is a mentor that helped me with this accomplishment.

Mellow Velo offered some of the best hospitality one could ask for from a cycling shop.

#TheCheetah #NelsoVails  1984 Olympic Silver Medalist #ridewithnelly

Chilling with the #cheetah #nelsonvails

Ran into Ron today on #FuitFeastDay1 

What I do. #RideWithNelly

Props to #MellowVelo

Hanging out in the town square in Santa Fe with our guide Gary. 

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